monuments and memorialsMONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS
Generally Ch. 45

Camp Randall memorial park, 45.35 (3m)
Counties may erect, 45.05, 45.055
Fine arts, acceptance and maintenance by administration department, 16.84 (10)
Land for, acquisition by city, state, XI, 3a
Memorial bridges, 84.1045, 84.1046
Memorial corporations under 1919 act, 45.052
Memorial halls, municipality may donate site, 66.93
Memorial highways, 84.102 to 84.1047
Milwaukee county, 45.058
Municipalities, may erect, 45.05, 45.055
Noted persons, 45.05, 45.055
Public buildings used for, 45.06
Section corners, town monuments, 60.84 (3)
Soldiers, sailors and marines, 45.05, 45.055
Trees, cutting forbidden, 45.066
Veterans, tax exemption, 70.11 (9)
Veterans memorial grants, 45.04
Veterans memorials at the Highground, 45.03
Veterans museum:
  Memorial collection, 45.02
  Space for, 45.01
Veterans state memorials, 45.35 (3m)